COVID 19 and my top 5 isolation games
1980s 1990s Amstrad Arcade Games Atari Atari 8bit C64 Commodore COVID-19 Lockdown CPC464 Mega Drive NES Nintendo Old Skool PC SEGA Sinclair SNES Video Games ZX Spectrum

COVID 19: Slowest. Apocolypse. Ever.
I hope this finds you safe and well during these unusual circumstances. COVID 19 isolation has given me some much treasured time with the family (minus my eldest who is isolating with my Mum). We played board games. We played Wii games. Family time is great but being together 24/7…Royal Mail Video Games stamps
1980s 1990s 2020s Acorn Amiga Commodore Electron Nintendo Playstation SEGA Sinclair Sony Video Games ZX Spectrum

My Royal Mail "Video Games" stamps arrived this morning
Some weeks back Royal Mail announced they would publish a range of stamps celebrating classic UK-designed video games. I ordered the "Video Games Limited Edition Gamer Collectors Pack" because, quite frankly, I need that presentation case (it's really a tin so I'm going to call it…Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me

Happy birthday Dear Munky. I'm now 43.
I don't really celebrate my birthday. Not because I'm shy, or anything like that, I just don't really do the celebration thing now I'm older. I'm not in for surrounding myself with a bunch of people, cheering me on, while I get another year closer to death. I'll…Mega-CD Box Art (Europe) collection