Robocop: Atari 8bit Family August Review

Robocop: August featured game
Robocop is known for being somewhat a classic on almost every system of the time. The Atari 8bit is no different... Nah! I'm kidding. It's the worst version I've played. Oh dear. What to say about this game? I was expecting something along the lines of the ZX Spectrum version but…Hotel Mario: Philips CD-i May Review
The Transformers Comic Book Memories

Transformers comic: More... Much more than meets the eye
During my childhood Saturday mornings were great. No school, sleep-in, wake up to some of the best cartoons of the time, but nothing gave me quite as much enjoyment as getting my latest Transformers comic arrive through the letterbox to read while I ate my cereal.…COVID 19 and my top 5 isolation games
1980s 1990s Amstrad Arcade Games Atari Atari 8bit C64 Commodore COVID-19 Lockdown CPC464 Mega Drive NES Nintendo Old Skool PC SEGA Sinclair SNES Video Games ZX Spectrum